Money has a vibration - what is yours?
So money struggles repeat over and over like a bad movie on a Saturday afternoon cable channel.
If your
This is why some people have more money and opportunities than they can keep up with.
These are connected like a water hose between your subconscious mind and the flow of money.
If the water hose is kinked or blocked, money will only trickle into your life.
But if the hose is straight, like water, money will flow with speed and power.
If you have emotional resistance to money, the hose will get blocked and block money
from coming into your life.
If you have negative money beliefs, that will also slow the flow of money into you life.
Unfortunately, most people have emotional money resistance and negative money beliefs.
When this happens, the bills pile up, credit card debt keeps growing, and there never seems to be a way to get ahead, and causes stress, frustration and sleepless nights.
If money is a roller coaster ride of highs and lows, or a constantly overflowing bank account.
The good news is that
This is a combination of neuro-science, psychology, emotional intelligence,
and the physics of energy.
I call it your money vibration code. And it directly effects wether you are rich
or just getting by.
Most people think that money is a physical thing. And it is of course when you
are holding cash and coins in your hand,
Let me explain and
side of money makes the difference of whether your bank account is full or empty.
Many people want to change their life and be wealthy, but they keep repeating the same ineffective thinking, habits and emotions, which gets them the same result over and over.
If you keep doing the same thing you will always get the same results.
You might be that person.
You have literally been programmed to have money problems. It has happened all you
life and it continues to happen every day.