The top ten rules for a successful - enjoyable life
Rule No. 1 for Success
1. YOUR Why
When you're working on a project, you're doing it because there's a reason for it.
Now, if your motivation is low,
it's because the reason that you're doing it doesn't resonate at a high level.
So how do you increase your Why?
Well, one of the ways that I found is by focusing on what is the outcome of what it is that you're doing,
and how can that serve beyond you, to people that you care about, or the world at large.
People can be motivated by themselves up to a point, but when you start motivating yourself because of what you can contribute, you tap into a deeper level of motivation..
Rule No. 2 for Success
2. Surrender
The word surrender is inherent into letting go of resistance.
If you think of, for example, stress, most people have a stressful life
and if you look at stress, stress happens as a result of things not fitting your pictures
In other words, if you take the scientific definition, it's two objects going against each other with opposing forces in opposite directions.
If we're trying to force our way through life, battling through, surrender is not an option for most people. But if we start to look deeper and know that the wisdom behind the intelligence that governs a lot of the flow of the river of life, let's call it the current of life
Rule No. 3 for Success
3. Where do I get money
If you chase money, you'll chase your tail, because you're chasing the consequence of something that hasn't happened yet.
Does that make sense? So if you look at it under that context, then how do you start a business with no money?
Well, you don't ask yourself, where do I get money? You ask yourself a better question.
You say, where is it that I can add value? How can I add value?
What is it that I can contribute, that would cause somebody to be able to give me what it is that I want without just shelling out a wad of cash.
And that's the easy way that's all money is, is an arbitrary medium of exchange to measure different levels of value.
Rule No. 4 for Success
4, Don't chase perfection
See if I'm trying to be perfect, then to all you perfectionist people out there listen to me, again,
another one of my mentors spent many years with Tony Robbins. Perfection is the lowest standard and the reason it's the lowest standard is, because it's unattainable.
So why are you trying to be perfect? By being perfect, you guarantee you never will be.
Rule No.5 for Success
5, Set yourself up to win.
The brain, although it's one fifth of the body weight, takes up 20% of the calories, 20% of the energy in your body goes to run your brain.
Now if that energy is low, guess what you feel demotivated. And a lot of the time people try and rely on willpower, but willpower isn't on demand.
Willpower has cycles based upon whether your brain is being fed the energy it needs. So if you are feeling down and thinking, I just I was going to commit to that,
but I can't I'm just not in the mood and you don't want to work harder, then First things first,
go check your brain chemistry, get yourself some fast sugars into the diet, get some high quality brain fuel, to be able to perk yourself back up at that level then go do it.
Another great way of e mood and I am energized, setting yourself up to win is that while you're in the mood to do something, prepare something for when you're going to be doing.
Rule No. 6 for Success
6. Raise your self-worth.
Check your peer group. If you upgrade your peer group, you will upgrade your self-worth.
Well, if you hang around with 10 drug addicts, I've got news for you. The law of conformity says you're likely to become the 11th.
If you hang around with 10 highly motivated, self-made multi-millionaires that are up and busier but on purpose with something and inspired to go out and create value, you'll likely become the 11th.
You see, raise your self-esteem, trade your peer group and ask yourself the question, how can I add value?
And all of a sudden you look over your shoulder one and think, Wow, where did that money come from? because now you're focusing on what you can give,
which is the byproduct or consequence of that is money coming in, rather than sitting in front of the fire, and bitching about the fact that it's cold.
And if only you had some heat, you'll go outside and fetch some wood, that doesn't work.
You want more money, become a person of value, upgrade your self-worth,
mix with the people that already have what it is that you want, contribute and add value
and I guarantee money won't be far behind.
Rule No. 7 for Success
7. Choose the meaning of what happens.
You know, two men sat behind prison bars, one saw mud the other saw stars, the condition is identical in both scenarios.
How one chooses to interpret that condition determines whether or not you go off on a track towards empowerment, or
whether you go off on a track that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of more stress and
resentment with your current life condition.
If you've ever had a relationship with somebody or an intimate relationship where for example, they left you out, same scenario, two different ways of looking at it.
One, you can turn and say, well, I'm clearly no good, so they left me.
Or we can say, well, thank god they went so they made room for somebody who's right, next
Now, just stay with that example for a second. You suddenly go out and, yeah, a year later, six months down the line, whatever it is, if I'm on the first scenario,
I'm no good so they left me and that's my belief, that's all it is, has nothing to do with the actual event, event is the event.
You want more money, become a person of value, upgrade your self-worth, mix with the people that already have what it is that you want,
contribute and adding value and I guarantee money won't be far behind. If you are able to understand that you get to choose the meaning of what happens. You get to take responsibility for your data processing of the five senses.
Rule No.8 for Success
8. Sincerity
Now if there's one area that I see stopping so many people from living their dream from fulfilling the potential that they were born to fulfill, it is getting over the fear of failure.
So how do you do that? How do you take that fear and rip it out by the roots and throw it away,
so it never bothers you again? You start to understand what fear of failure actually is.
Because for many people, all it is, is being sucker punched by the good opinion of other people
caring about what they think, you know, how often that keeps us down?
Do you know how much of a life is wasted caring about what we think other people are thinking? Sincerity comes from a level of empathy and intention that is there to express who you are to serve your client.
You want more money, become a person of value, upgrade your self-worth, mix with the people that already have what it is that you want, contribute and adding value and I guarantee money won't be far behind.
If you are able to understand that you get to choose the meaning of what happens. You get to take responsibility for your data processing of the five senses.
You know, two men sat behind prison bars, one saw mud the other saw stars, the condition is identical in both scenarios.
How one chooses to interpret that condition determines whether or not you go off on a track towards empowerment,
or whether you go off on a track that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of more stress and resentment with your current life condition.
Rule No.9 for Success
9. Own your own time
If you don't have the ability to respect your time, nobody else will.
Now it doesn't mean to me to say you got to be a jerk about it. Yeah,
there is something respectful about people who own their own time.
And if somebody calls me and says or, or calls goes to my secretary said they want a meeting.
Nobody gets access to time with me unless they send an agenda in advance.
And you know, we assess it as being mutually beneficial.
Otherwise, I'm not going to be able to focus on what my mission is,
I'm going to be serving everybody else's.
Now you see, many people avoid that, because they have a fear of rejection, they don't like saying no,
I don't want to hurt somebody's feelings.
Rule No. 10 for Success
10. Failure is not picking up the bat
Failure is not picking up the bat and swinging it at life.
Failure is getting to the end of this game and regretting what we didn't do.
Failure is about saying, What if?
Failure was lying on your deathbed thinking, well, only I could go back and do, fill in the blank.
You know something? To me, failure is not falling down, it's staying down when you have fallen.
You have to fail by the Definition of Oh, I didn't succeed in order so you can succeed.
That's what life is about, it's not about taking it with you at the end,
it's not about score keeping. I probably failed more times than I've won, but I keep my average number of tries high. And you know what happens? Guess what?
You tap into a lesson of history that most people ignore. And that is this, is the paradox of history.
But those that risk the least in life, usually end up with the least in life.
Just because our brain won't tell us that when we have to pay a mortgage on Friday,
doesn't mean it isn't true. So get up and get in the game.
Who you are right now watching this is as a result of your failures, not your successes.
It is when we're tested when the storm is ripping the branches off our tree. Yeah, when the rain clouds are there and we think we've got nothing left,
that's who we are at or best when we show up when we're tested.
The strongest trees grow the strongest winds, not in the best soil. So next time you have an opportunity, next time you start to question whether you should step forward or not,
Oh will it be a white square on the chessboard or a dark square? Who cares?
Get in the game! Swing the bat