Why is a Hub-Centric Model So Powerful
There are important things you can do right now.
2. Exercise & Build Muscle: Muscle mass is one of the most important predictors of longevity and speedy recoveries from injuries. Even a small amount of weekly resistance or weight training can stimulate growth hormones and increase muscle mass.
3. 10,000 Steps Each Day: You’re never too busy to get moving. Resolve to take at least 1 hour of Zoom or phone calls while walking. I do it every day. It’s easy and fun (well, especially in Santa Monica).
4. Minimize Sugar: It’s simple… Sugar = poison. It causes inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and fuels cancer. Go on a 10-day sugar fast and cut it out of your diet completely for several days. It’s possible, especially if you do it alongside friends.
5. Upgrade Your Community: The people you spend time with shape who you are, what you think and what you do. Hang out with young or young-minded individuals who care about their health! Spend time with friends who are optimistic and those who actively pursue longevity.
6. Do an Annual “Full-body Health Upload”: Most of us have no idea what is really going on in our body. Every year, I visit either Fountain Life of Human Longevity’s Health Nucleus to do a full body MRI, an AI-driven CT, Genome, microbiome, and much more. A key to longevity is proper screening and preventative medicine.
7. Drink 2-3 Liters of Water Every Day: If there’s a magic fuel source for the human body, it’s water.
8. Eat a Whole-plant-based Diet: I avoid red meat (which can result in cancer, heart disease, and diabetes), and focus on a Mediterranean plant-based diet and fish rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
9. Intermittent Fasting for 12+ Hours: I do my best to fast between 7pm and 12 noon the next day, providing me a 17-hour fast. It gives me extraordinary energy during the day and helps me remain fit. Give it a try! (Remember: drink lots of water!)
10. Read Longevity Enabling Content: Be the CEO of your own health and stay up to date on the latest advancements in medicine. Consider reading my AI-enabled longevity newsletter (www.longevityinsider.org). It’s free and will give you a daily dose of insight and optimism.
I hope you’ll challenge yourself to adopt some (or all!) of these.
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